Cleopatra herself knew about the properties of honey already. For a luxurious bath, add essential honey oil to the bath. Your skin should be silky soft and beautifully fragrant. Honey given before bed is suitable for insomnia. It is used in liver diseases, improves digestion and is an effective remedy for influenza diseases.
Essential oil is acquired by hexane extraction of bee honeycombs and subsequent distillation.
Effects: Essential oil honey has warming effects, making it suitable for massages or baths. It relieves nervous exhaustion, overall strengthens and induces a pleasant sleep. Honey is also suitable cosmetic agent, especially for irritated, dry and aging skin. Overall, it has anti - inflammatory effects.
It is recommended also as an addition to bath, massage and other neutral products.
Good hint if you want to give your hair a shine, is to mix a few drops of honey essential oil into one liter of warm water. After washing with shampoo and rinsing, pour over the hair with this solution. Do not rinse.
As an effective ingredient in the bath, more than 5ml per bath should not be used, in creams and massage agents for 50ml about 15 drops.
(According to the experience in the country of origin, the product has also proved to be beneficial when inhaled.)
Do not use undiluted on the skin, protect the eyes and protect from children.